Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Who'da Thunkit?

I was just listening to Dennis Miller on the Jay Leno show tonight. Who would think this is the same Dennis Miller from decades ago? Dennis gets it and he says it - unashamedly. He is one of the few who has had the temerity to thank the troops and president Bush for protecting us - in the face of hollywood. Six years and no significant terrorist attack since 9/11. He also thinks we should go ahead and take out Iran. I agree. If we don't do it now, we'll have to do it later, and maybe as the result of a nuclear attack on our country!

Dennis is for Rudy, but he'll come on board when Fred wins the primary! We need more celebrities like Dennis, more who "get it." I'm not sure who Bruce Willis is for, but I'm thinking he'll be a Fredhead before it's over....

Monday, September 3, 2007

Seal the Border - says Fred

Fred, once again, uses common sense to talk about the problem of ILLEGAL immigration.

This attitude is one of the main reasons Fred is my choice for President.

Welcome to another blog about Fred Thompson - e pluribus unum

This is the start of a blog about all things Fred. Rest assured Fred will be vilified with increasing ferocity; first from within the Republican ranks, as they all strive toward the golden ring, otherwise known as the presidency, then from the "other side". Once Fred wins the nod from the Republicans, you can expect the Dems to turn the heat up - not that they aren't already trying to chip away at his armor. That's all ok though, that's what makes our country what it is. Open debate on the issues, personalities, etc.

I started calling myself a Republican after Ronald Reagan became president and talked about that shining city on the hill. He gave us back our swagger, as a country. His team caused the reduction of interest rates which were over 20%, under Democrat, Jimmy Carter. Had the legislature kept their part of the bargain (holding the line on spending) we could have been in even better shape. He let the world know that the United States of America is the greatest nation, not just because of our military might, but our generosity as well. His disarming manor won over many of his harshest critics, and ultimately he is mostly responsible for the fall of communism in Russia.

I see a lot of Ronald Reagan in Fred Thompson. He is conservative, but not mean spirited and self assured while not cocky. I feel like he is a man with an uncommon element - he has common sense. Remember the youtube video where Fred fired back the rapid response (within 24 hours) to Michael Moore? If not, give it a look:

I've decided to contribute to Fred's campaign on a monthly basis - I signed up to donate $25.00 per month until the election at this website. That way, it won't be a big chunk of money, but over time, I'm sure it will help. I encourage everyone to do the same, even if it's $10.00 per month, it will help.

Any of the Democrats on their list of possibles is unacceptable, and most on the list of Republicans look just about like the list on the left. The bottom line is this - you basically have no choice but - Fred Dalton Thompson